
During my career in various corporate strongholds, I often had the opportunity to write and present papers at conferences. A few of my favorites are listed below.

When the Going Gets Tough

We at Approach Inc. changed almost everything about the company – including its organizational structure, culture, processes, and work environment – in our pursuit of that elusive beast of legend, the true "learning organization." Along the way, we met with much success – and some setbacks as well. This paper illustrates our experiences in applying our theories.

Presented at Quest for Global Competitiveness Forum

The Tragedy of Best Efforts

In any enterprise, it is desirable for everyone to put forth his or her best efforts. However, if those efforts are directed improperly they will be wasted; they may even be counter-productive to the goals of the enterprise.

Presented at Quest for Global Competitiveness Forum

When You Assume...

The Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) is a fundamental and extremely powerful tool of systems thinking. Its accessibility makes it ideal for introducing systems thinking to the uninitiated, yet it is robust enough that it can also be an early step in the process of developing a complex model for simulating system dynamics. There is, however, something that can corrupt the power of CLDs - unexamined assumptions.

Presented at International System Dynamics Conference